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Trading Journal Dashboard


Deflux is a trading journal that allows users to log their trades and experience real-time trading as well as join groups to collaborate on strategies. Users can import existing trades as well to keep their current logs up-to-date on the platform and have the system analyze their strategies in order to improve future trades.

This is an ongoing project being work on with the creator/developer and is expected to be released by the end of 2023.




Day trading


Adobe XD



The Design Process

Design Thinking is a methodology that aims to tackle highly complex problems. The Design Thinking process can be separated into five different areas for success:



In the world of trading and investment, individuals face significant hurdles when it comes to managing and analyzing their trading activities and strategies. Existing solutions, although available, often lack comprehensive features and fail to offer a user-friendly interface for traders to log their trades and assess their performance.

By addressing these challenges and offering a feature-rich and user-friendly trading journal, the proposed website aims to revolutionize the way traders manage and analyze their trades, ultimately enabling them to improve their performance, make data-driven decisions, and enhance their overall trading success.

Meet the users


Thomas Anderson
Age: 33 | Male
"I'm a day trader who needs somewhere where I can log all my old existing and new trades and collaborate with others."


Caleb Meyer
Age: 28 | Male
"As a financial analyst, It's important for me to see what strategies work and what don't for better investments."

User Task Flow

Search for games
Start new game
Finish set-up

Bringing the site to life

When designing the dashboard, looking at competitors is crucial to see what users are already familiar with so it wouldn't present a confusing interface. The main designs are in dark mode with light mode functionality as well. The bright blue in contrast with the dark background makes the elements pop right off the screen for users' eyes to be easily drawn to areas of importance as well as using an easy-to-read font such as Poppins.

Programs being used:


When making the wireframes, I had to consider the functionality of the app as well as what screens were needed. I created a profile screen, a newsfeed screen, a search screen, a create new game screen, and one other one. Once wireframing was complete It was time to start the UI aspect of the app with the high-fidelity mockups.

1. Profile Screen
2. Newsfeed Screen
3.1 Search Screen
3.2 Search Screen
4 New Game Screen
5. Game Created Screen

Example Mockups

Because this is an ongoing project, only certain screens have been finalized and are available for viewing. The full scope of the project will be available for viewing once completed.

1. Home Screen
2. Calendar Screen
3. Trade Journal Screen
4. Individual Trade Screen
5. Analytics Screen
6. Settings Screen

Final thoughts

This project was a great way to practice designing dashboards rather than traditional websites or mobile apps. It was also great practice working on a design where the main focus is not something I'm familiar with. I'm learning how to create usable devices for key demographics and primary users while stepping outside of my comfort zone with a subject I'm not strong in.

Prototype not available.

My work